Published onJesus Washes the Family TreegraceJesuslovefamilylegacyJesus cleanses his family, past, present, and futureeRead more →
Published onBible Reading and Knowing GodreadBiblecommunionRead the Bible to learn what God values.Read more →
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Published onPost-millennialism: the good and the badeschatologypost-milWhat I've been thinking lately on eschatologyRead more →
Published onThe Basis of Christianity: Tying the Testaments TogetherfoundationsJesusrealityinterpretationThe relationship between the OT and NT and the very basis of Christianity are fundamentally the same thing.Read more →
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Published onThe Church Is IsraelcovenantsAbrahamchristologyecclesiologyGalatians 3:15-29 is just too clear: believers in Jesus are the heirs of Abraham's covenant.Read more →
Published onA Tale of Two Soulsprosespiritual lifeGods loveTwo experiences of God, very different, very similarRead more →
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